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CPES Status during COVID-19 Pandemic

Apr 30, 2020

Dear CPES Industry Consortium Members and friends:

I hope this message finds you, your families, and your companies in good shape! These are unprecedented times and we are missing very much the energy we normally have at this time after the CPES Conference and the "social gathering" that goes with it. This is the first time in 38 years that the conference was not held as scheduled!

However, with a lot of logistical effort, we have been able to organize CPES to continue all our research activities, including the experimental work on hardware. All teaching, simulations, advising, meetings, reviews, writing, etc. were moved online, students now have Lab@Home for low-power research with CPES-loaned equipment, and other experimental work is done in our labs in 3-hour shifts with a maximum of 1 person per 50 sq.m (500 sq.ft.), and full disinfection between shifts.

So far, everyone is well, and with full dedication (and usual hard-work) of everybody, we are keeping all projects, as well as the mini-consortia work more-or-less on schedule. Monthly CPES Webinars are continuing, mini-consortia quarterly reviews are going on-schedule, and project deliverables are being completed. Our students are writing their papers, patents, theses and dissertations, and progressing towards their degrees uninterrupted. We are still hoping to have our Conference at the end of August, but we will be re-evaluating that soon and informing you of our plans. We are also exploring how to deliver to you more information online.

In conclusion, we have spent a lot of effort to continue the world-leading research you expect, and that your companies' membership supports, while taking precautions to keep our people safe. Please take care of yourselves so we can build the future of power electronics together for the next 30+ years!

We so appreciate your continued support,


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