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Congratulations Yuliang Cao, PhD!

Sep 17, 2024

Image of Yuliang Cao, Dong Dong, Rolando Burgos, and Khai Ngo
Left to Right: Dr. Dong Dong, Dr. Yuliang Cao, Dr. Rolando Burgos, Dr. Khai Ngo

Yuliang Cao successfully defended his thesis titled, “Topology and Control Investigation of Soft-Switching DC-DC Converters for DC Transformer (DCX) Applications”. His research advisor was Dong Dong.

Yuliang’s work contributed significant advancements to the dc transformer (DCX), a fixed-ratio isolated dc-dc converter applicable to electric vehicle (EV) charging systems, energy storage systems (ESS), data center power supplies, and solid-state transformer (SST) systems.

In addition to his research, Yuliang served as a CPES photographer for the past several years, capturing his colleagues in action during the CPES Annual Conferences and taking wonderful group portraits of current and alumni CPESers at APEC and ECCE conferences. We greatly appreciate Yuliang’s willingness to take on this important task.

Best wishes Yuliang!

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