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Effects of Encapsulant Properties on the Thermo-Mechanical Reliability of Double-Side Cooled Power Modules for Traction Inverters

Year: 2023 | Author: Filip Boshkovski | Paper: H1.16
Cross-section of a typical DSC module
Fig.1. Cross-section of a typical DSC module for which FEA simulations were run to analyze the thermo-mechanical reliability of the three sintered-silver interfaces.
  Double-side-cooled (DSC) power modules are packages of power semiconductor devices that can be cooled from both sides of the device. Because of their low junction-to-case thermal resistance, low profile, and low package stray inductances, DSC modules have higher efficiency, higher power density, and lower switching noises, all of which make them ideal for use in traction inverters for electric vehicles (EVs). However, DSC modules are structurally more rigid than wire-bonded modules, raising concerns about their thermo-mechanical reliability. This work aims to propose a materials-based approach for improving the reliability of DSC modules by examining the effects of elastic modulus and the coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) of rigid, epoxy-based encapsulants on the thermo-mechanical reliability of the bonded interfaces inside a DSC module via finite-element analysis (FEA) simulations. The simulations are used to quantify the influence of the encapsulant properties on the bond deformation, during temperature cycling, in terms of plastic strain and inelastic strain energy density (SED).

  Fig. 1 illustrates the cross-section of a typical DSC module package with all the bonded interfaces: the spacer-substrate bond, the spacer-chip bond, and the chip bond or die attach. The package model resembles the configuration of commercial DSC packages. All the bonds are made by silver sintering, as it is the emerging technology for bonding in power modules. For the thermo-mechanical analysis, the package was subjected to a JESD22-A104-B temperature-cycling test, and the plastic strain and SED per cycle were generated for each bonded interface inside the module.

  Fig. 2 is a plot of the effects of encapsulants" elastic modulus and CTE on the plastic strain in the die attach per cycle. The range of each property corresponds to that found in commercial epoxies. The plot shows that both properties affect the bond's plastic deformation; i.e., the higher the elastic modulus or lower the CTE, the lower the plastic strain. Lower plastic deformation generally means less bond fatigue, implying a more reliable bond layer. Similar results were also obtained for the rest of the sintered-silver bond layers, showcasing that the thermo-mechanical reliability of the bonded interfaces in a DSC power module can be strongly affected by the elastic modulus and CTE of the encapsulant.
Plot of the simulated plastic strain
Fig. 2. Plot of the simulated plastic strain at the sintered-silver die attach per temperature cycle versus the encapsulants' elastic modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion.

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