Application Areas

Transportation vehicles are becoming more and more electrical, from electric/hybrid cars, electrified trains, to all- electric ships and more-electric airplanes. Power electronics plays a large role in improving the ef ciency of these electricity-based vehicles.
CPES has a long history of research in power-electronics-based vehicular power systems, sponsored by industry partners and agencies like ONR, NASA, AFOSR, DARPA, ARL, DOE, and NSF. The Center’s vehicular power system research is focused on three major areas:
- High-density Power Converters – use advanced devices, passives, circuits, control and packaging to achieve small volume and low weight converters, which are essential to vehicular system applications.
- Modular Plug-and-Play Power Electronics Building Blocks – develop modular power converters, and corresponding control/communication strategies for multi-functionality, recon guration, better performance, lower cost, and higher reliability.
- System Architecture, Modeling, Analysis, and Control – develop design and evaluation methodology for optimal system architecture; develop multi-level models for characterizing system behaviors from stability, power quality, to EMI; study system control and power management strategy.