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2023 CPES Annual Conference and Connected Events

May 31, 2023

2023 CPES Annual Conference and Connected Events

The 2023 CPES Annual Conference and Connected Events was series of events focused on CPES engagement with industry and the leading minds in power electronics from around the world.

2nd Three Corners Power Electronics Extended Collaboration Workshop
The events started at the CPES Arlington Labs, just outside of Washington DC, with the 2nd Three Corners Power Electronics Extended Collaboration Workshop. CPES hosted the event held in collaboration with ECPE and NPERC-J. Attracting more than 50 top power electronics experts from industry, the US federal government, and academia, the workshop featured position statements from the aforementioned experts, breakout sessions to plan and roadmap towards a carbon-free world, and two plenary sessions to discuss the role of power electronics in saving the world. Additionally, participants toured the CPES laboratories and participated in a student dialogue session.

2023 CPES Annual Conference
Many workshop participants continued their interactions with CPES by traveling to Blacksburg for the 2023 CPES Annual Conference. Conference participation exceeded 240 people, with 85 companies and organizations represented by people who traveled from 22 countries and 25 US states! Center research from the past year was showcased by CPES students through presentations at technical sessions and interactive lab dialogue sessions.

During these sessions, conference participants voted on the most outstanding presenters. Those selected for these prestigious awards can be found at this link.

The conference was bolstered by a tutorial, keynote speakers, and a RAP session featuring representatives from industry, academia, and the US federal government. All conference materials, including papers, slides, and recorded sessions are available to Industry Consortium Members on the CPES website at this link.

2023 Virginia Tech Power & Energy Center Annual Meeting
Events concluded with our VT colleagues from the Power and Energy Center (PEC) hosting their annual meeting. Both the CPES conference and PEC's meeting included joint sessions highlighting the growing synergy between power electronics and power systems.

Thank you!

CPES would like to acknowledge the tremendous work our students did to prepare for these events and to make each one exceptional. We especially want to thank Narayan Rajagopal and Minh Ngo who served as conference chair and co-chair respectively. They did a magnificent job managing these events while still being full-time graduate students. Great work all!

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