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Richard Zhang winner of DOE HVDC Prize!

Nov 29, 2023

DOE Announcement Map
Richard Zhang was selected as a winner of the American-Made Program High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Prize sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and administered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. See the DOE announcement here

Prof. Zhang will develop a multi-functional, intelligent voltage-source-converter which will significantly reduce engineering costs and time in the design, test, and commission phases for commercial HVDC projects. The proposed design also ensures that operations are controlled, minimizing energy product losses caused by unstable conditions.

The American-Made HVDC Prize incentivizes competitors to share new technology solutions that improve the performance and resilience of the U.S. energy grid. The learnings gained from the prize will help solve the technology gaps that hinder HVDC deployment in the United States and build new innovative solutions to technical challenges.

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