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Photograph of Dong Dong
Dong Dong
Position: Assistant Professor (ECE)
Office: 672 Whittemore Hall, Virginia Tech
Phone: 540-231-7853
Dong Dong received his B.S. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, in 2007; M.S. and Ph.D degrees from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, in 2009 and 2012, all in Electrical Engineering. From 2007 to 2012, he was a research assistant at Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES). From 2012 to 2018, he was with Electric Power (EP) Organization at GE Global Research Center in Niskayuna, NY, developing power conversion and electric system technology for renewable energy system integration, electric grid, offshore and marine, oil and gas, aviation, navy, and industrial applications. In 2018, Dr. Dong returned to Virginia Tech, where he is currently assistant professor in The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests include modeling, design, and digital control of power electronic system, low-voltage to medium-voltage SiC high-frequency power electronics, high-power resonant converter and high-frequency transformer, power conversion systems for grid, renewable energy integration, and transportation applications, and real-time hardware-in-loop simulation.

During his tenure at GE, he has been involved with multiple large research and development programs and technology initiatives including subsea electrification, HVDC system, MVDC and high-power dc-dc converter for offshore marine vessels, hybrid energy storage module (HESM) for Navy, solar and energy storage system for utility and commercial applications and SiC power electronic building block (PEBB) technology for renewable energy integration. The developed PV micro-inverter technology was transferred to product commercialization. The developed subsea modular stacked dc (MSDC) technology was featured by SPE Journal of Petroleum Technology. He received several awards at GE including Gold Medallion Patent Award, Publication Award, and Technology Transition Award.

Dr. Dong received 2nd Prize paper award from IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics in 2017. He currently holds 16 granted US patents and over 16 US patent applications. He was the vice chair of IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Schenectady Region Chapter. Currently he serves as the associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

Honors & Awards:
NSF Career Award, 2022
3rd Prize Paper Award, IEEE International Power Electronics Conference, 2022
2021 - William M. Portnoy Prize Paper Award
2020 - Best Paper Award, IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (ECCE-Asia)
2020 - 1st Prize Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
2017 - GE Gold-Medallion Patent Award
2017 - 2nd Prize Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
2015 - GE Technology Transition Award.
2014 - GE Publication Award
2013 - Six-Sigma Green Belt Certificate
2012 - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) Outstanding Technical Paper Presentation Award, Orlando, FL
2011 - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) Outstanding Technical Paper Presentation Award, Fort Worth, TX

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