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CPES Patent Information

US Patent: 12003114

A Series-Series-CLC Resonant Converter Topology for Wireless Power Transfer
Keyao Sun, Jun Wang, Rolando Burgos, Dushan Boroyevich
Issued: June 04, 2024

Aspects of an efficient compensation network for reducing reactive power in a wireless power transfer (WPT) system are disclosed. The compensation network comprises a series/series (S/S) constant current (CC) source, a reactive power compensation capacitor, and a constant current (CC)-to-constant voltage (CV) network. In an example, the S/S CC source comprises a first capacitor connected in series with a first inductor on a primary side of a transformer and a second inductor on a secondary side of the transformer. The S/S CC source converts an input voltage signal of the WPT system into a constant alternating current (AC) current signal. In an example, the CC-to-CV network comprises at least a third capacitor and a third inductor. The CC-to-CV network converts the constant AC current signal into a constant AC voltage signal.

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