2023 Awards and Honors
National and International Honors
- Dushan Boroyevich
Co-chair of Technical Advisory Committee, Institution reviewed: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, United States Department, division, or program: E-COMP Initiative: Energy System Co-Design with Multiple Objectives, July 15 - Dushan Boroyevich
General Co-chair, Organizing Committee of the 22nd International Symposium on Power Electronics - Ee2023, October 1-1 - Dushan Boroyevich
General Co-chair, Organizing Committee of the 2nd Three Corners Power Electronics Extended Collaboration (3C-PEEC) workshop, January 1-1 - Fred C. Lee
Chairman, IEEE Edison Medal Selection Committee, Membership Committee, US National Academy of Engineering (NAE), , January 1-31 - Fred C. Lee
Conference Chair, Power Electronics Symposium, Suzhou, July 12-16 - Fred C. Lee
Honorary Conference Chair, 2023 International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Symposium (PEAS 2023), in conjunction with China Power Electronics and Energy Conversion Congress & The 26th China Power Supply Society Conference and Exhibition, Guangzhou, China, November 10-13 - Fred C. Lee
IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Luminary, Honored as an IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Luminary, November 1-30 - Rolando Burgos
Associate or guest editor/curator, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics: Journal, January 1 - Rolando Burgos
Associate or guest editor/curator, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics: Journal , January 1 - Rolando Burgos
Chair, IEEE ECCE 2024 (Conference and Exposition), November 1-31 - Yuhao Zhang
Balancing charge to boost Ga2O3 breakdown beyond 10kV, Semiconductor Today, Media coverage, August 1 - Yuhao Zhang
Dynamic performance of vertical GaN JFETs, Semiconductor Today, Media coverage, December 1 - Yuhao Zhang
Giving gallium oxide avalanche capability, Compound Semiconductor Magazine, Media coverage, December 1 - Yuhao Zhang
Multi-dimensional power devices, Compound Semiconductor Magazine, Media coverage, March 1 - Yuhao Zhang
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award, Purpose of Recognition: Research and Creative Activities, September 25 - Yuhao Zhang
Semiconductor packaging: challenges and solutions to thermal management , Packaging Insights, Media coverage, April 1 - Yuhao Zhang
Tech researchers aim to transform power grid, Virginia Business, Media coverage, January 1 - Yuhao Zhang
Technical Program Co-Chair, 2nd Three Corners Power Electronics Extended Collaboration (3C-PEEC) Workshop, April 1-2
Prize Paper Awards
- Christina DiMarino
2023 ASME InterPACK Best Paper Award, 2023 ASME InterPACK Conference - My M.S. student, Aishworya Roy, received the Best Paper Award, October 23 - Rolando Burgos
2022 Best Paper Award of iEnergy, Best paper award of journal iEnergy Organization Scope: Public Purpose of Recognition: Research and Creative Activities Awarded by: iEnergy Journal, Tsinghua University Press, China, August 2 - Rolando Burgos
IEEE IAS IPCC ECCE 2022 paper award, Research and Creative Activities Awarded by: IEEE Industry Applications Society, Industrial Power Converter Committee, September 21 - Rolando Burgos
IEEE JESTPE Prize Paper Award - Second Place, IEEE Power Electronics Society and Industry Applications Society Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, July 7 - Rolando Burgos
Research Excellence - Diverse Portfolio, Research Excellence Award for the highest number of distinct, active sponsored research programs in FY2023, October 10