Modeling of Power Electronic Systems with Harmonic State Space Modeling with Focus on Pulse Width Modulation

This research work aims to model the complex converter interactions using a harmonic domain modeling method: Harmonic State Space (HSS). The HSS simulation environ-ment is further enhanced by development of a fundamentally new pulse width modulator model based on multi-tone Bessel functions. The incorporation of the new modulator model, paves way for HSS to be about four time faster than conventional time domain modeling method and much more accurate than conventional averaging models. To verify the proposed approach, a two-converter model as shown in Fig. 1 is considered. Inverter A regulates the voltage across the AC link whereas inverter B is designed to be regulating the current at the AC link. The performance of proposed modeling methods in comparison to its equivalent time domain counterparts is ana-lysed in MATLAB presented in Fig. 2.