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DBC Switch Module for Management of Temperature and Noise in 220-W/in3 Power Assembly

Year: 2015
Fig. 1. Fabrication process of the DBC module: (a) chemical etching, (b) fixture design, (c) masking, (d) assembly, (e) vacuum reflow, and (f) wire-bonding.
Achieving high power density is a challenge in the presence of stringent specifications on temperature rise and switching noise. Integration of the DBC module with the PCB mother board was found to be the right approach in order to achieve a 220-W/in3 power density, a 2-kW output power, and a 48.9°C junction-temperature rise. The reduced layout inductance (2.89-nH) at the source, and the negative coupling between source and drain layout inductances suppressed the turn-off noise. The prototyped dc-dc boost converter switched between 400 kHz to 1 MHz without self-turn-on problems.

Fig. 2. (a) Assembly of packaged DBC substrate with PCB and heat sink. (b) Top side of the PCB mother board with the switch module integrated. (c) Bottom side of the mother board with magnetic and cooling components.

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