A Novel AC-to-DC Adaptor with Ultra-High Power Density and Efficiency

The bridgeless boost converter converts the time-varying line voltage to a stable dc bus voltage, VBUS, and deposits the energy on the bulk dc bus capacitor, CBUS, while it also regulates both the dc bus and output voltage, VO. Moreover, by applying a harmonics injection control on a bridge-less boost converter can further reduce the required bus capacitance, while the power density can be enhanced accordingly. On the other hand, the LLC converter is operated as a dc transformer (DCX) to step-down VBUS to the desired VO, while it also provides the electrical isolation in order to comply with the safety regulation. In this way, both the high power density and high efficiency can be achieved.
The prototype is shown in Fig. 2, the dimension is 1.47 in3 (6636.510 mm3). The primary GaN devices are PGA26E19BV from Panasonics Inc for both the bridgeless boost converter and the LLC DCX. The line frequency devices of the bridgeless boost converter are STL57N65M5, and the secondary-side SR devices are EPC2023. By increasing the switching frequency above MHz with the GaN devices, the transformer, EMI filter and output filter size are significantly reduced, while about 44.22W/in3 (exclude case) power density can be achieved. On the other hand, the total efficiency of the proposed ac-to-dc adaptor circuit is about 94%. Fig. 3 shows a comparison of the state-of-art adapters and the proposed solution; it can be observed that both efficiency and power density are significantly improved.