CPES Power Electronics Annual Conference
April 7-9, 2013
The Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center
Blacksburg, VA
From the Center Director
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2013 CPES Annual Power Electronics Conference at Virginia Tech, sponsored by the CPES industry consortium. I would like to express my personal gratitude to all industry members, research sponsors, alumni and friends for their continued support, as well as to our students, faculty and staff, whose work and dedication have provided significant contributions to the Center's continuing growth and success.
As before, the CPES Conference will provide a comprehensive overview of the Center's research conducted over the past year. The program will begin on Sunday afternoon with 2 tutorials by CPES faculty. There will be an Invited Plenary Session with 4 invited talks on Monday morning, followed by 73 technical papers presented in 5 Technical Sessions and 5 Dialogue/Poster Sessions that will continue into Tuesday. Our conference program is being updated on an ongoing basis. Please be sure to check back for more details.
For additional opportunities to mingle with CPES students and faculty, we welcome all participants to join the Industry-Student Forum on Sunday afternoon. To stimulate meaningful interactions, CPES industry members are invited to bring tabletop displays to feature company products.
The Conference Reception and Dinner will be on Monday evening and all participants are invited.
On Sunday prior to the start of the 2013 CPES Conference, there will be a mini-consortium research review on CPES-REN (Renewable Energy and Naogrids). REN members are cordially invited to attend.
On Wednesday following the 2013 CPES Conference, there will be a mini-consortium research review on CPES-HDI (High Density Integration). HDI members are cordially invited to attend.
We are excited about this event, and look forward to sharing our latest research results with colleagues in the power electronics community.
We hope to see you in April!
Fred C. Lee
Director, Center for Power Electronics Systems